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Year 4

In Year 4 we have high expectations and aspirations for every child, and expect hard work and concentration in every subject.

Some key information:

Swimming is on Tuesdays

PE is on Fridays

Spelling Tests are on Friday

Signed reading records are expected every day

Times Tables Rock Stars is expected every week


In Year 4, we work very hard on our times tables as we have a multiplication test in June. These links can help with learning your times tables.

Tri borough Music Hub Christmas Concert

Year 4 were amazing when they took part in the Tri borough Music Hub Christmas Concert. They sung as part of a large choir made up of many schools. They did the school, and themselves, proud singing their hearts out right at the front of the choir. Some of the songs included three part harmonies and even makaton actions that the class learnt along with the words of the song. 



Riverside Waste Authority Recycling centre

Year 4 went to the Riverside Waste Authority Recycling centre. They learnt about how rubbish and recycling is sorted and seperated, and where it goes next. They discovered that much of the waste from the local boroughs is burnt to make electricity. Year 4 also learnt about the environmental impact of all our waste, and the consequences of not recycling, helping with their Science topic on the environment and conservation.