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Children's Leadership Team (CLT)

Welcome to the Children's Leadership Team Page

Check here for updates on our meetings and to see how the CLT are impacting on our school life, as well as the wider community.

The Children’s Leadership Team (CLT) is made up from class representatives from Years 3-6. They meet on a regular basis to discuss the school and they liaise with children in their classes and those in EYFS and years 1 and 2. The Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Treasurer run the meetings and liaise with CLT Teacher Leads.

Minutes from each meeting are circulated to classes and staff and these are also discussed during half-school assemblies ensuring the CLT are the pupil voice for the school.

Over the past few years CLT have successfully reinstated a lollipop person on the crossing outside the school, organised charity events such as Red Nose Day and Children in Need and have canvassed the school about their views on school lunches, reporting back to the lunch team.

In addition to all of the above the CLT regularly communicate with and meet their link governor.

Chair and Vice Chair

Treasurer and Vice Treasurer

Class Representatives


CLT Documents