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Early Years

"Not all classrooms have four walls", Margaret McMillan


In the Early Years Foundation Stage at Sir John Lillie Primary School, our mission is to provide an enabling environment which promotes the learning and development of every child attending our setting.

At Sir John Lilie Primary School, our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is formed of Nursery and Reception. Children can join our Nursery the term after they turn 3 years old. 

Our curriculum in EYFS is carefully designed and sequenced using mostly the content from Development Matters and the EYFS Statutory Framework. We have planned an ambitious curriculum that teaches the children the skills and knowledge they will need to prepare them for Year 1. 

The EYFS curriculum is made up of three prime areas and four specific areas. 

Prime Areas: 

  • Communication and Language 

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development 

  • Physical Development 

Specific Areas: 

  • Literacy 

  • Maths 

  • Understanding the World 

  • Expressive Arts and Design

Our curriculum is broad and balanced with a focus on developing children’s communication and language, early reading, fine motor and mathematical skills. The children are explicitly taught skills and knowledge linked to each of the prime and specific areas through adult-led sessions. Our children are exposed to carefully planned opportunities to develop these skills and embed the knowledge independently within the continuous provision. 

At SJL, we teach through a variety of different topics which are outlined in our curriculum overview. Each topic is centred around core texts that children will read, retell and explore during each half term.

We love to enhance our children’s learning by incorporating a range of enriching learning experiences, such as trips to places that are important to our local community, e.g. North End Road market or the Lyric Theatre.



The children explore the wonders of icy textures! Our nursery children are having a sensory adventure, feeling the cold, slippery, and smooth surfaces of ice. It's a playful way to engage their senses, spark curiosity, and encourage hands-on learning about the natural world.



Outdoor play at our nursery is all about adventure, exploration, and fun! From splashing in puddles to digging in the dirt, the children connect with nature while building confidence, creativity, and teamwork. Rain or shine, every day is an opportunity to learn and grow in the great outdoors!